About Us

歡迎來到洪懋楨設計工作室, 我們位於洛杉磯和台北兩個地點, 專門為客戶提供建築設計, 室內設計城市規劃/設計服務. 我們公司成立於 2022, 其使命是實現卓越的設計. 從那時起, 我們一直致力於從我們的兩個地點為我們的客戶提供最高水平的設計服務.

我們的團隊由來自洛杉磯和台北的技術專業人士組成, 他們對建築設計, 室內設計城市規劃/設計充滿熱情, 並對行業有深刻的了解. 我們相信我們的成功來自於我們團隊成員的專業知識, 奉獻精神和辛勤工作. 我們努力在兩個地點營造積極協作的工作環境, 讓每個人都感到受到重視和支持.

洪懋楨設計工作室, 我們致力於為客戶提供最好的體驗. 我們相信與客戶建立牢固的關係並與他們合作以創建滿足他們需求的個性化解決方案. 憑藉我們的兩個地點, 我們能夠為我們的客戶提供全球視野和本地專業知識, 以實現最佳結果.

我們邀請您詳細了解我們的設計流程以及我們如何幫助您實現目標. 立即聯繫我們安排諮詢並體驗我們在洛杉磯和台北的兩個地點的洪懋楨設計工作室的不同之處.

Welcome to Curtis Hung Design, where we specialize in delivering exceptional architecture, interior and urban design/planning services to our clients from two locations in Los Angeles and Taipei. Our firm was founded in 2022 with a mission to achieve design excellence. Since then, we have been committed to providing our clients with the highest level of design services from both of our locations.

Our team is made up of skilled professionals from both Los Angeles and Taipei, with a passion for architecture, interior and urban design and a deep understanding of the industry. We believe that our success comes from the expertise, dedication, and hard work of our team members. We strive to create a positive and collaborative work environment across both locations, where everyone feels valued and supported.

At Curtis Hung Design, we are committed to our clients and providing them with the best possible experience. We believe in building strong relationships with our clients and collaborating with them to create personalized solutions that meet their needs. With our two locations, we are able to provide our clients with a global perspective and local expertise to deliver the best possible results.

We invite you to learn more about our design process and how we can help you achieve your goals. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and experience the Curtis Hung Design difference from both of our locations in Los Angeles and Taipei.